10 Things I Love About Snow
Maybe (definitely) it's because I'm Australian.
Maybe it's because I'm Australian (in fact, that's definitely why), but to this day, I love snow. Each year when Brad and I make the trip to the Northern Hemisphere for our annual snowboarding trip, I can't help it when a massive smile spreads uncontrollably on my face at the first sight of the white stuff, whether it be from high up on a plane or on the road. And you know what? Each time it feels more like home, which is strange for somebody who has grown up on the coast of Australia with absolutely no mountains and no snow.
1. Snowboarding. Of course, this one has to be at the very top of my list. And yes, I guess it does include skiing as well, which I'm sure is somewhat fun as well (would I be a dedicated snowboarder if I didn't? Heh-heh-heh). There really is nothing like that floating feel you get when you're snowboarding fresh tracks on a pow(der) day or winding your way down the mountain through trees. I'm missing it already and it hasn't even been a month yet!
2. Snow play. Is there anything more fun than making a snow angel or getting into a snow ball fight? Waterproof clothes and gloves not optional, of course.
3. Natural beauty. Quite frankly, snow is just damn beautiful. Have you ever seen a scene covered in a thick white blanket of snow? It can turn even the most boring landscape into something truly magical. It's not always convenient, but at least it looks pretty?
4. Snow flakes. It took me more than a few trips to the snow to actually
see it snow (that's a southern hemisphere season for you), but when I did it I was blown away to see that snow is actually those beautifully intricate flakes we hang on our Christmas trees, though generally much smaller. Pretty cool, huh?
5. Perfect lighting. Although you may feel inclined to put on a pair of sunglasses due to the super bright glare, the reflection of snow is perfect for photography as it creates a clean, white light from every angle. Hello awesome blog photos!
6. Watching the snow fall. Preferably from inside with mug of hot chocolate, wrapped in layers of cosy blankets and in front of a fireplace. Cosy-ing up here in Perth during our cold snowless winter mornings just isn't the same!
7. Fresh air. It might sound strange, and I'm not sure whether it's due to the snow or the extreme cold, but the air always smells so clean and crisp when there's snow around. Last year in Tokyo during the blizzard, the city was so clean and fresh, but this year, when there was no snow, some parts smelled a little funky (#truth, #justsaying).
8. Walking on snow. Not to be confused with ice. Oh, how I love the sound of the crunch as you walk on fresh, dry snow. Plus, it isn't nearly as slippery when it has just fallen, which is far better for your knees and your backside! I've been lucky enough not to fall,
9. Snow language. I forget sometimes that the word 'dumping' has a very different meaning in Australia, so publicly wishing for a 'big dump' can be pretty embarrassing and hilarious at the same time. Other words include pow, freshies, gnar (all mean snow) and blue bird (a clear blue sky day).
10. Dogs in snow. So. Damn. CUTE! When we're travelling through Canada, Brad and I took a three-day train from Toronto to Edmonton. At every stop, passengers with pets were allowed to get their dogs and take them outside for a stretch and fresh air. It was so amusing watching their furry friends play in the snow; nuzzling their noses into it, jumping around and generally getting up to mischief. They
loved it! Just search 'Dogs in snow' on YouTube. Go on. Do it.
What are your favourite things about now?